- Lifestyle & beauty blogger with an unhealthy obsession for christmas & tea -

Sunday, 27 November 2016

A festive Saturday..

Yesterday, my boyfriend Joe and I ventured into Birmingham to visit the German Market & the bullring to get some last minute presents (I say last minute as although there's just under a month to go before the big day, i've pretty much done all my shopping & wrapping!). We were slightly overwhelmed (and impatient) with the massive crowds of people even at 11.30am as we approached the streets of where the Market took place. It was slightly chaotic even though they've made the event slightly smaller this year.

Nestled amongst the high street were little wooden huts, adorned by fairy lights and little sprigs of pine a'plenty. I could have spent a lot of money on things I didn't really need (hello nordic-style wooden man decoration with a fluffy beard - cuuuute!)  but Joe had one reason and one only for joining in with festivities - the ice-skating rink positioned at Centenary square. I quickly popped into the library and took the escalators to the garden on the 3rd or 4th floor to overlook the rink, wheel & wooden huts beneath me. It was getting dark but I did manage a quick photo.

Anyone that knows me knows i'm the complete opposite to a dare devil - I'm a nervous passenger in cars, only ever go on rides that are generally aimed at children (Charlie & Choc factory ride at alton towers pushed it!) so to step onto the ice in little boots with blades attached  put the absolute fear into me. With a big dose of man the eff up I eventually got the boots on (with assistance as my puffy coat restricted movement!) and hesitantly got into the rink. Joe had stolen my gloves so there wasn't a chance I was risking my fingers being chopped off if I fell over - I clung onto that rail for dear life in the first ten minutes. Children flew past me, probably mocking my disastrous stance trying to keep myself up right with the occasional 'oh dear god' as some got too close for comfort and I thought my numbers were up.

After doing fancy footwork and realising his girlfriend was a complete wimp, Joe was like a knight in mustard coloured armour taking me by the hand and quite frankly pulling me along. He got brave and dragged me a little too quickly - I gave him 'the look' amongst other rude words but after a while I did start to feel a little more relaxed, taking everything in my icy stride (and I mean everything - children can be brutal with those bloody penguins. I did almost get taken out twice!). 

All in all, it wasn't THAAAAT bad although i'd have much rather been sipping warm mulled wine watching Joe fanny around like an old audition for Dancing on Ice (I miss that so much!) than doing it myself but it was fun. I made myself feel better with a Roast Dinner afterwards. I felt like i'd been a traitor to the traditional bratwurst sausage or schnitzel choices but a giant yorkshire pudding had me at hello.

We then had a mooch around the bullring (Charlotte Tilbury counter in Selfridges was too busy to get to, to ask for the products I was after - my card was super happy where as I was not). I felt like we'd walked miles as it was so so busy every step took a few seconds! But there is nothing more festive apart from the obvious (putting up the tree, gingerbread making, film watching, card making) than finding a lovely gift in the department stores twinkling with glitter & baubles in mass I don't think.

I've never been to any other German Markets other than a little one in Cheltenham. Any recommendations before the big day is upon us are more than welcome - pop them in the comments below :-)

Jay X


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